Saturday, September 29, 2012

320 Days [My Month in Pictures]

Well, since being a mom of TWO seems to be so much more demanding than just being a mother of one... I seem to have neglected my blog for nearly a month, even after stating I hoped to blog at least once a week.  *sigh*  Due to homework overload and diaper overload that hasn't happened.  SO in order to catch you up quickly, here is our month of September in pictures :) It's a whole bunch of FIRST's in the world of Maya-licious!

 Maya's First trip to Cracker Barrel :)

 Maya's First trip to Nana's House!

 Our first family journey to a place in Tarpon Springs called "Katz", its an Italian place with an indoor playground for the kids! Had a blast!

Maya's first BIG GIRL bath with big bro!

She used to be in my belly!!!

 Maya's First trip to the Aquarium!

Daddy is baby-wearing :)

Mommy is baby-wearing too!

SO tiny in such a big bed!

Hope you enjoyed our month in pictures, hope to have more time to actually write some fun stuff soon!

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