Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 21

The cold, 60-degree air, is brushing itself against my back this morning.  I am sitting at the computer with my back facing the sliding glass door, and I have it wide open allowing the crisp autumn air to flow on in.  It is a beautiful morning.  Took Marley out for his AM walk and after we were downstairs I thought to myself that I should've grabbed a scarf!  I love a chilly morning this time of year.

My coffee is smelling so good sitting here next to me on my desk, I can see the aroma swirling out of the cup in the steam and its just making me melt even more.  Perfect day for coffee you ask?  Oh yeah, no day beats a day like today.

I got up early this morning eager with anticipation for doing the Insanity Day 3 workout, but never-the-less something came up and we have decided to postpone it until this evening.  Rafal said I could do it without him if I really wanted to, but I don't want to, he's my partner in this, and if something comes up and he can't do it.. I will wait until he can.

Last night we laid in bed talking about dreams, not the kind you have in your sleep... the waking one's where you think about your future.  That was interesting and always is these days.  We are so different and yet so the same its amazing to me.  We spoke of our dreams of having land and a large home with a larger family.  Let me rephrase that, I spoke of MY dreams of having land and a large home with a larger family and he just kind of agreed.  I wonder what that says?  He says he wants a farm and to be self-sufficient with his family.  He wants to get all Rambo and get a ton of bad ass guns and archery supplies and just live off the land in the mountains.  That sounds like fun to me.  We're weird aren't we?  Most 20-something's are planning parties and things like that and were planning... a farm?  [haha]

Yesterday was Day 2 of school, and I worked on my first assignment in my Composition class, it went very well I might add.  Today going to start Chapter 2 in Critical Thinking and see how that goes.  School doesn't actually start until next week, but I am an overachiever, and I have my books and the syllabus so why not get some of it done while I can so I am not in such a big rush.

Mmmm... coffee.. you are so strong.  I love you.

One more thing world- I wanted to share with you that Rafal did not have a single cigarette yesterday.   When I asked him about it he said "I could go get some if I wanted to, but I don't want to, I wonder how long I can go before I need another smoke?"  I too wonder, will this be a permanent change?  And.... how amazing if he was just able to quit cold turkey eh?  I am proud of him for trying and thats what counts.

Enjoy your day!

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