Saturday, June 30, 2012

228 Days [32 Weeks 4 Days]

As I sit here, watching my 4 year old and our pup Marley play in the backyard, I can't help but get overwhelmed with emotions.  My baby, Dylan, who is and will always be mommy's baby boy, well, he's not the "baby" anymore.  He starts school, big boy school, on August 20th.  All I can think about is how time is going to fly now.  How I need to make sure that I cherish every moment with him even more now than I have in the past.  I want to share more knowledge with him and make more memories in these next short two months that will last a life time.  I want to take more pictures and videos, and capture more smiles and giggles before they are a memory and a thing of the past.  I just can't seem to get a grip on it, Dylan is a big brother, for ever and always from here on out.  He isn't the baby in the house any more.  Even if Maya weren't on her way, he still wouldn't be my baby anymore.  He is so grown up, mature, and independent for a four year old.  Its intimidating, to say the least.  To know that in two short months he will be spending roughly 6-8 hours a day at a school with peers other than myself or his daddy scares the bejesus out of me.  I am putting my trust in individuals that I don't really know, and am praying that they with only give him useful information and support.  My biggest fear is that he will come home crying, mistreated, or using foul language.  Then, as a parent I will face new challenges and new hurdles to climb.  I love who he is, and sometimes I worry that the rest of the world will try to change him.  I love that he asks so many questions.  I love that he laughs and smiles and tells goofy jokes that make no sense.  I love that he says "This will make my mommy so happy!" and I just don't want any of that to change.  I love him so much, my big boy, Maya's so lucky to have him as her big brother.  God is so good, I know he is taking amazing care of Dylan and He will have angels watching over him at all times.  It's just hard, you know, to watch your little one's grow up so fast.

I can't believe that Maya will be here so soon!

A few more days until our family vacation.  We are all very excited, it will be a road trip in a big RV so that we can all stay comfy!  We keep making jokes about having baby Maya at a Cracker Barrel along the way.  


Although, let's all say a quick prayer that doesn't happen.  I would like to be in the comfort of my hospital with my doctor near by!

Spaghetti for dinner tonight <3

Friday, June 29, 2012

227 Days [32 Weeks 3 Days]

So... I am feeling quite



Last night was the first time in about 3 weeks that I have painted my nails, and toes, and let's just say.. it was NO easy task!  It may have been the last time I attempt this until Maya is here.  I may have to go get pedicure's here on out.  Oh darn.  Being pampered sucks.  


I wanted to make sure I posted my answers to the questions I have been doing on here, and since I haven't lately, here you go:

How Far Along:
  32 Weeks
Total Weight Gain:
13.5 pounds :)
Maternity Clothes:
Haven't bought any, they aren't very attractive... LOTS of sun dresses and bikini's though!
Stretch Marks:
I am itchy BUT using LOTS of cocoa butter to keep my skin moisturized!
Sleep?  Whats sleep?  I am very uncomfortable when I lay down at night, although I do seem to get enough sleep.
Best Moment This Week:
Just knowing how big she is now and watching her move inside of me, its mind-blowing.
Miss Anything?
Being able to go out, but then again, I never really go out anyways.  Its a fantasy in my head LOL
Food Cravings:
Shirley Temples <3
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick:
Thankfully nothing lately!!
GIRL!!! Baby Maya Riley <3
Labor Signs:
At 30 Weeks and 6 Days we went to the hospital due to me having contractions.  I was given a bunch of shots to stop the contractions and keep her inside!  I was 30% effaced but showed no signs of dilating [thankfully] so I was sent home!  I still have a few braxton hicks a day, but thankfully nothing too bad.
PAIN!  She is in my ribs and I am always sore these days.  My tail bone hurts when I stand to long, my feet start to hurt if I sit too long.  I have to pee every 10 minutes and when I run to the bathroom I am lucky if two drops come out! hahaha
Belly Button In or Out:
Well its flat at this point!
Happy or Moody Lately:
Loving Life <3
Looking Forward To:
Holding our new little Princess and snuggling and kissing her all over!

[I need to get a good camera, I will be taking LOTS of photos once she gets here....]

Thursday, June 28, 2012

226 Days [32 Weeks 2 Days]

I can NOT believe how fast time is flying by now, here we are almost 33 weeks, and I haven't taken a chalkboard photo since 26 weeks!!  Do you know how I know?? Because the chalkboard still has 26 Weeks drawn on it!  I am going to do one TONIGHT!! I pinky swear... well I guess it really depends on when Rafal gets home and if he wants to photograph it... I hope so!

Speaking of photography... I have a friend who is interested in doing a free shoot for us, seeing as he doesn't have any maternity in his portfolio yet, and seeing as we are... BROKE it is a perfect set up.  But when your man never has a day off in advance, its very difficult to set something up.  I am hopeful that maybe on our upcoming trip to IL in July that we can have a close family friend take the photos for us, it would be worth the cost, the photographer has known me since I was born <3  I can't wait to have some belly pictures done with Rafal and Dylan!  They will be adorable!

SPEAKING of ADORABLE!  Yesterday I took on a big task, volunteer babysitting a friend of ours 18 month old daughter, Addison.  
-VOLUNTEERED.  FREE BABYSITTING. [aka, I am a very nice person.]-
That went amazingly, except that the dad didn't come pick her up until almost 4am, after we were told he would be picking her up between midnight and 1am.  So that was a buzz kill.

Although, she is the sweetest little baby girl I have ever had the honor of meeting.  What an angel.  I would melt when she would just stare in to my eyes and read my soul.  She was such a sweet heart, with such a sad life story for such a young lady.  Her mommy left her when she was just hours old, only see's her "when she feels like it", and she is being raised by her two uncles full time, because her daddy works crazy long hours.  She lives at her uncles house, and he is a hardcore rocker (which there is nothing wrong with, I am just showing how little female interaction she gets), he doesn't like being outdoors, and they live in an old dark rocker hippie trailer (again awesome lifestyle for a single man, not exactly a perfect home for a baby girl).  So this sweet little princess buttercup lovely baby doll, lives in a dungeon with a bunch of smelly men. 
[YES I know, she could have it a lot worse, and thank God she doesn't or I am not sure I would've given her back!]
She took to me right away, and I felt so loved, she was hugging and snuggling me right away.  At nap time I laid with her and rubbed her back like I would do with Dylan when he was little and she just laid there staring at me.  She played with my nose ring, and pointed out all my freckles on my arms, and baby babbled about them all.  It was just so sweet.  When she finally drifted off, Dylan and I got some much need alone time.  When Rafal got home from work, he melted when he came in and saw her smiling up at him.

I said right away...

"You are so screwed"

and he knew it was true and just sighed.  To think, yesterday he spent a good 12 hours with a baby girl that wasn't even his and he fell head over heels for her, he will be blown away when Maya gets here.  Talk about wrapped around a finger.  Holy cow.  Rafal will give new definition to what that means when Maya is smiling at him.  I loved watching him interact with her, it melted my soul, he has always been so good with kids, and considering before meeting me he had never even been around a toddler, let alone an infant, I never expected that.  He loves babies, and babies just love him!  

So last night was romantic, in a... "We've been through so much together, its nice to just lay here and breathe in your company" kind of way.  It was sweet to just lay in bed with a little baby and just look at her and make her smile and giggle.  At some point I teared up when rafal said "I bet she's never laid in a nice bed with a mommy and a daddy before" and it broke my heart to know he was right.  Immediately I said, "I can't believe how easy it is to fall in love with some one else's child." and I knew instantaneously that we will adopt one day.  We have talked about it in the past, about adopting a toddler, but last night was proof enough for me.  So many children are left unwanted in our world.  Maybe we can go to Poland one day and bring a little boy or girl home with us from daddy's country.

In other news:  Dylan was brought into this world between 36 and 37 weeks due to him getting so large, the doctor wanted to make sure I could have a natural birth.  He was 7lbs and 20" long at 36 weeks!!  Had he stayed in until what they call full term he could've been 10 pounds!!  Here we are going on 33 weeks, and all I am thinking about is how we are so close and yet so far away from a baby Maya birthing scenario!

At 35 Weeks we will have a 3D ultrasound to see how big she is getting and decide whether or not she will be induced early as well.  With Dylan I was scheduled to be induced on Friday March 14th, and told to come in to the hospital the night before about 9pm.  Well we were running late, as we always are, and didn't get to the hospital until almost midnight Thursday night/Friday morning.  Why were we running late you ask?  Because I had started having contractions, hardcore contractions, and was having a difficult time convincing myself to walk down the stairs from our apartment.  I was a big baby and scared.  But Dylan had decided to come out on his own without me having to be induced!  By 3:30pm I was fully dilated and by 3:40 I was told to push.  I only pushed 4 or 5 times and he was out at 3:53 PM!!  What an easy labor and delivery he was.

I firmly believe Maya Riley will be just as easy, if not easier since this isn't my first rodeo!

I can't wait!!

We could be holding her in the next 3-5 weeks!!  If she is like her brother at all, and as impatient as mommy we may see her sooner than her due date!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

203 Days [29 Weeks]

Wow! I can't believe it has been almost a month since I last found the time to sit down and blog about Maya, our lives and just everything in general!

Well to get you up to date on a few things, we MOVED!  We still reside in Palm Harbor, Florida, although now we have relocated to a beautiful home on a lovely pond.  We just got moved in over this last weekend and couldn't be happier!

Today I am 29 weeks exactly, and I sure feel like it.

Last night Rafal and I were getting in to our new HUGE walk in shower together and he looked at my belly and started freaking out, he couldn't stop smiling, he bent down and put his arms around my belly and started talking to Maya saying the sweetest things.  Then he looked up at me and it was almost like it really sunk in, he said "I can't believe how big she is getting! I can't believe we are about to have another baby!" And he hugged me so tight, it was really sweet.  I was embarrassed of my big belly and thinking he was about to pick on me or something, even though he never has, but when he smiled and I knew by the look in his eyes how happy he was I melted.  He sure can be sweet sometimes.  He laid on my belly for awhile after we showered and talked to her some more, kept calling her "my beautiful princess" and saying things about how mean men can be and he will protect her as long as she will let him.  <3  It was cute and bittersweet, to know that it will go by so fast, again.

I have been having a really hard time sleeping lately.  Not just sleeping, but walking, and doing just about anything productive.  I get so exhausted and my belly keeps getting in the way. I really only JUST got big in the past month, so its been a shock for me and Rafal.

Yesterday I did housework in shorts and a bikini top with Maya all hangin out!  Dylan kept sayin "Momma, you got a fat belly!" Gee thanks munchkin :)

I have to get to gettin, speaking of the munchkin he is requesting a hot dog for lunch and my belly is telling me its about that time as well.