Saturday, June 30, 2012

228 Days [32 Weeks 4 Days]

As I sit here, watching my 4 year old and our pup Marley play in the backyard, I can't help but get overwhelmed with emotions.  My baby, Dylan, who is and will always be mommy's baby boy, well, he's not the "baby" anymore.  He starts school, big boy school, on August 20th.  All I can think about is how time is going to fly now.  How I need to make sure that I cherish every moment with him even more now than I have in the past.  I want to share more knowledge with him and make more memories in these next short two months that will last a life time.  I want to take more pictures and videos, and capture more smiles and giggles before they are a memory and a thing of the past.  I just can't seem to get a grip on it, Dylan is a big brother, for ever and always from here on out.  He isn't the baby in the house any more.  Even if Maya weren't on her way, he still wouldn't be my baby anymore.  He is so grown up, mature, and independent for a four year old.  Its intimidating, to say the least.  To know that in two short months he will be spending roughly 6-8 hours a day at a school with peers other than myself or his daddy scares the bejesus out of me.  I am putting my trust in individuals that I don't really know, and am praying that they with only give him useful information and support.  My biggest fear is that he will come home crying, mistreated, or using foul language.  Then, as a parent I will face new challenges and new hurdles to climb.  I love who he is, and sometimes I worry that the rest of the world will try to change him.  I love that he asks so many questions.  I love that he laughs and smiles and tells goofy jokes that make no sense.  I love that he says "This will make my mommy so happy!" and I just don't want any of that to change.  I love him so much, my big boy, Maya's so lucky to have him as her big brother.  God is so good, I know he is taking amazing care of Dylan and He will have angels watching over him at all times.  It's just hard, you know, to watch your little one's grow up so fast.

I can't believe that Maya will be here so soon!

A few more days until our family vacation.  We are all very excited, it will be a road trip in a big RV so that we can all stay comfy!  We keep making jokes about having baby Maya at a Cracker Barrel along the way.  


Although, let's all say a quick prayer that doesn't happen.  I would like to be in the comfort of my hospital with my doctor near by!

Spaghetti for dinner tonight <3

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