Friday, July 27, 2012

255 Days [36 Weeks 3 Days]

This whole being pregnant thing is for the birds, or the whales, because they float in the water all day and they don't even notice the weight gain in their anti-gravity chamber.  I am jealous.  I am so clumsy and absentminded these days.  Not to mention, I can't sit up straight for too long, with out putting too much pressure on Maya and forcing her further down into my pelvic bones which is just painful. I can't lay on my right side at night without my legs falling asleep.  I can't lay on my left side at night without my legs falling asleep.  I can't physically fall asleep laying on my back, for obvious reasons.  I just can't sleep at night.  Then there's all of these recent hormonal mood swings again, I am not bitchy like I was in the early part of my pregnancy, I am very clingy.  I am never THIS clingy.  I mean, I just want Rafal home all day every day with me, and if he can't be here I am begging Dylan to snuggle me in bed.  Dylan is so tired of mommy being "lame" lately, I can tell.  He is such a good boy though, he doesn't tell me he doesn't like it, but I can just tell.  He rubs my back, and snuggles me all the time, and I love it.  Last night he said:

"Mommy, are you sad?"
"Yes, a little bud, I am."
"Why are you sad Mommy?"
"Well it is hard to explain, but you used to be my little baby and now your my big boy and there is going to be a new little baby in the house."
"I know! Maya is our little baby Mommy!"
"Your right, I am just sad that I am going to have to split time up with you two, for five years it has been me and you, we have been a team bud.  Now we are adding someone else to our group."
"It's ok Mommy, Daddy will help too."
"I know, I love you both so much, I am so blessed."

My sweet boy, he knew I was sad, just from the expressions on my face I guess?  I love him so much.  I am going to write him a letter before baby Maya gets here and put it in our family box to give him one day.  I am tearing up just thinking about it.  He was my guardian angel when I needed one the most, and he always WILL be my little man, but you know... It is just going to be hard, and I don't want him to EVER think that mommy doesn't have time for him or doesn't want to be with just him.  I hope we can go on many dates and just be mommy and Dylan some times.  I love my little pickle monster.  I love him so much.

36 Weeks 3 Days

Thursday, July 26, 2012

254 Days [36 Weeks 2 Days]

Hospital Bag!

[that's right, its about that time... although I have had my hospital bag packed for a few weeks now, I thought I would perfect it today and let you all know what this pro is taking with her!]

First comes first, things for MOMMY:
  • Small containers of Shampoo and Conditioner (Hotel left overs work just fine!)
  • Dry Shampoo (this is a must, especially if you are going to be taking pictures!)
   [I personally recommend - Got2B Fat-Tastic Fresh and Full Dry Shampoo $6 Walmart]
  • Chap Stick (all the heavy breathing will chap your lips like you wouldn't believe!)
  • Tall, comfy socks! (I am taking two pairs of cute and comfy knee highs)
  • Disposable hospital gown (if you choose to get one!)
[I recommend getting one from Www.PrettyPushers.Com ; This is where I got mine and I absolutely LOVE it! Very reasonable prices as well!] 
  • Granny Panties (yes, I said it, take a few pair of your "that time of the month" panties)
  • A soft OLD towel or two (the hospital towels are not exactly lovely when drying off after your first post-baby shower)
  • Your Pillow!!
  • Make-Up Bag (I just take essentials, mascara, eyebrow color, lip gloss and a little eye liner)
  • PADS (the hospital will give you adult sized diapers which are great for while you are laying in the hospital bed, but as soon as you stand up, not so great.  Get the fat ones, the cheaper the fatter usually.  These are not to "look" attractive, these are to keep you from looking like your dying!)
  • Wipes (non-scented, big wet cloths to help you clean yourself up down there)
  • Clothing for leaving the hospital AND your first normal nights sleep at the hospital (Take some big baggy comfy pants OR a nightgown to sleep in... and something flowy for the ride home.  I am taking some of Rafal's old PJ pants, and one of his big tshirts as well as three mini-dresses.  In case one is more comfy than the other.)
  • Phone Charger (duh)
  • Entertainment (magazines, IPod, IPad)
 Next we have things for Daddy:

  • 2 changes of clothes (something in case his "scrubs" during labor get messy, so another comfy outfit, and something he can wear going to get you your first MEAL after baby is born)
  • Tylenol/Advil (he will get a headache, be prepared, some nurses won't give them anything!)
  • A pillow AND blanket (he will need sleep and their stuff isn't very comfy!)
  • Phone Charger
  • Camera / Camcorder AND chargers / batteries 
  • A cooler with daddy beverages (ie. sweet tea and red bull ; he will want to leave your side to go get a vending machine snack, and you may not want him to leave, better safe than sorry)
  • Snacks!! (nothing too yummy since you won't be able to eat until after baby is born, but some granola bars or something to keep him content)
Now things for siblings:
[Dylan will only be at the hospital while I am pushing so that he can come in the room for her first few minutes too, its a special time that we want to share with him]
  • Crayons / Coloring Books
  • IPad / IPod / Electronic Entertainment / DVD Player
  • Juice Boxes
  • Snacks
  • Big Brother Books :)
Baby Maya Stuff: 
[Now, know that most of the babies things WILL be provided for him/her IF you do not get to the store in time to get some of the following things, but since I have been there done that, I would just rather use my things from the get go!] 
  • Newborn Diapers (Bring a small pack of 20-25) 
  • Un-scented wipes 
  • Hats!!! (they will give him/her a hat, but its so much mroe fun and cute to have your own!)
  • Socks AND mittens (or just lots of socks that she/he can wear as mittens)
  • Easy Clothes (not a ton of buttons, just a simple slip on cute outfit)
  • Going Home Outfit (this one can be whatever you want, lots and lots of pictures will be taken in this outfit!)
  • Baby Blanket
  • Baby Lotion
  • Baby hairbrush! (you never know, she/he COULD have a full head of hair!) 
  • CAR SEAT!!
It is always a good idea to write down or print out what you are taking so that when you go to leave the hospital you can make sure you have everything you need / want to bring back with you.
Extra things you may want to bring with you:
  • Cord Blood Bank Info
  •   Placenta Packaging (if you plan on saving it)
  • Music / Candles (for helping to relax the mood during contractions) 
I can not believe the time is already here.  I have my bags packed and am going to have Rafal put them in the trunk tonight.  As well as I have a piece of paper hanging by the front door to remind us to bring our pillows as we run out the door! 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

253 Days [36 Weeks 1 Day]

Today I have some TMI questions that maybe some of you are having too, so I thought I would post them along with the answers I find through my google searches.

To fill you in a little.  About an hour ago, standing and talking with my landlord about pipes under the kitchen sink not draining properly... I felt something "drain" from me, *down there*.  It felt wet and uncomfortable.  Now as some of my fellow preggo women know, a small discharge is VERY common, but this felt more than a little discharge.  I stood calmly and let him finish his speech.  Immediately after he left I ran to the bathroom.  And there it is, was, a wet spot.  No color, no smell. Just like [ekkkk how do I say this and not freak myself out] water.  SO I sat on the toilet pondering this situation and wondering, is this Maya's amniotic fluid?  Did I pee my pants?  What on God's green Earth just happened to me.

So, here I am... waiting to feel another *gush* as I search and google to find the answers to tonight's terrifying questions.

After lots of searching the web I have found all my answers and hope they are helpful to some of you too!

The questions that kept popping in to my head:

Does amniotic fluid have a smell? I have been informed that it does have a smell, a sweet smell.  Not that of discharge or any thing else you have ever smelled before.  It will be noticeable. 

When your water -breaks- will it continue to trickle? Or is that all I will notice?  I have also been informed that when your water breaks you will be soaking through your panties at an alarmingly fast rate, if an hour goes by and your not "wet" down there again, then ALL is fine and its ok! [BUT please still call your doctor just to make sure!]

Should I be alarmed that I am not more alarmed? No I shouldn't be alarmed that I am not more alarmed, I am 9 months pregnant, and what happens when your nine months are up? Well, you have a baby.

If I "bear down" will more amniotic fluid come out of me? Or is there some sort or barrier? After much reading I have found that YES, if you push as though you are having a BM and no water comes out then you are safe.  It would be an almost constant trickle if it was your amniotic fluid. [BUT AGAIN please still call your doctor just to make sure!]

Will full on contractions start immediately after the amniotic sac breaks? Or will it take some time for those to start? Much research shows that every woman is different, DUH, but that some women never have contractions on their own without hormones to help the process.  So, it said that some women will have contractions for hours leading up until their water breaks, some won't have any at all before OR after their water breaks.

Since this is my second child, how do I not know the answers to these questions already?! Because first time around the hospital broke my water for me.... *sigh*

OK! SO! After all of the searching I have decided that IF I have no more "leaking" that it is probably just cervical fluid, another fun side effect of the baby having dropped into my baby making area.  It says that with all the pressure the baby's head puts on the cervical canal, you are more likely to leak the moisturizing fluids. WHICH just happen to be watery with no smell.  So let us all pray that is what it is.  Because I am not going to the hospital with out my support team, aka, Baby Daddy, aka, Rafal Szmyglewski.  Currently he is 5 hours south on his way home from Miami driving on Alligator Alley.  SO no baby tonight!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

252 Days [36 Weeks]

How Far Along:
  36 Weeks
Total Weight Gain:
17.5 pounds :)
Maternity Clothes:
Still no "maternity" clothes, although I do enjoy my sweats a bit more these days!
Stretch Marks:
I really hope not, but I think I might have a few on the underside of my belly that I can't see...
Not very much at night, more during the day.
Best Moment This Week:
We are buying a mini-van tomorrow!!
Miss Anything?
I miss everything about not being pregnant.  You know like, just getting out of bed easily in the morning.
Food Cravings:
Sugar *sigh*
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick:
GIRL!!! Baby Maya Riley <3
Labor Signs:
Still having continual contractions daily, about 8-15 a day at this point.  They hurt, they are strong, they wrap around to my back.  Every time I have one, I silently pray that another one will come along with in 10 minutes, but not yet.
I'm pregnant. I waddle. I cry. I bitch and moan.
Belly Button In or Out:
OUT!!! :)
Happy or Moody Lately:
Loving Life <3
Looking Forward To:
Adding the newest member of our already perfect family into the big picture.  She is SO loved already.  Can't wait to snuggle her and smell her sweet baby smell.

Friday, July 20, 2012

248 Days [35 Weeks 3 Days]

Nine Months has really come already?!

I can't believe our beautiful

Maya Riley

will be here in just days.

Nesting has kicked in full swing, the nursery is almost completed, as in totally finished!  Only things left I want in there before she arrives is to put up the chair rail around the room, and hang up some dark chocolate brown curtains over the windows to block out the sun as well as get a deep purple area rug.  That is all though and Maya's gorgeous nursery will be finished!!

Dylan's room looks spectacular too!  I am very proud of my work.  Dylan needs some curtains too, that will fit his camping theme, but as of right now, his bamboo shades look and work just fine so those curtains aren't being rushed as much as Maya's.

The house is spotless, laundry is done, now I need to take out the trash....

Maya is roughly 5.5 pounds now and almost 19" long!  She is one big baby!  Considering she was just an egg and a sperm not that many months ago, this whole process is mind boggling even for someone who took so many medical courses.

I am extremely uncomfortable, I can't sit up, I can't lay down, I can't recline or lean or do anything to help with my comfort level at all at this point.  I am just destined to be miserable until she makes her debut!  I keep reading about my pregnancy on different websites and it explains how "being nervous" is completely normal.  BUT...

the thing is....

I am not nervous, not one bit.  I don't know if it is because I have been there done that
or just because I am giving it to God to handle.  I know that my Lord wouldn't give me pain
that I couldn't handle, I mean it's called labor for a reason right?  It isn't going to be easy, but
its a natural pain, one that won't kill you, but truly make you stronger.

Don't get me wrong, I fully intend to take advantages of medical science and the drugs they can offer to alleviate the pain caused during the intense contractions.  But, still, no nerves are being stressed at this point.  Which I honestly think is best for mommy and baby.

So many women stress, and over plan for the day that when the day comes and they realize how truly out of their control it all is, they panic, and that only causes problems.  I had the best, easiest labor ever with Dylan.  My sister can tell you the horror story of how my ONLY complaint throughout the labor was that the blood pressure cuff was too tight.  That is not a joke.

I pushed for what, 10 minutes?  If that....

They said let's do some practice pushes before the doctor gets here, and within two pushes they started yelling at me to STOP the practice pushes and wait until the doctor came because Dylan was already crowning!  He wanted to be out, and mommy was on a mission to not have a cone-head baby and I wanted him out fast too!

I remember being so nervous about the infamous "pooping on the table" thing every woman dreads.  I mean, I don't fart or poop or talk about those two things in front of Rafal.  It is gross and not lady like at all.  So it is very common for women to dread this possible side effect of labor.  BUT truth be told, when you start pushing your beautiful wonder of God out, the last thing on your mind is...

"please don't let me push a little too hard and poop a little!"

In fact, all you are thinking about is:


And then, there he was.  I may have pooped?  Who knows!  What I do know, is that it didn't matter.  When they put him on my chest, and I looked at him and then up at Rafal and saw the tears welling up in his eyes, nothing else on Earth mattered anymore.  I was so in love.  With Dylan, with Rafal, with life.

And to think, God has blessed us with yet another amazing miracle...

Thank you God for finding us fit parents to give us two of your most amazing angels to watch over and care for her on Earth <3

We will not disappoint you!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

239 Days [34 Weeks 1 Day]

Live, Laugh, Love

In my family...
we argue
we don't always get along
we giggle
we tickle
we snuggle
we share
we fight
we conquer
we trust
we thrive
we learn
we learn more
we forgive
we smile
we dance
we sing
we act silly
we give time outs
we get time outs
we clean
we cook
we travel
we watch cartoons
we share straws
we don't always wash our hands
we curse
we yell
we hug
we kiss

Here I am 34 Weeks, and I have to be the most miserably uncomfortable pregnant woman alive.  Seriously.  Those women who say they "LOVED" being pregnant, well I am firmly believing that they are big huge liars.  There is no possible way some one could truly love this.  I mean, now, don't get me wrong, I do love what my body is doing and creating.  But there is not an ounce of me that is like "Weeeee!!! This is so much FUN!!"

My list of complaints is about a mile long, but my biggest issues are indigestion, bad posture, and sleepless nights.  I can't eat anything, not even a bite of something, with out having to eat 2-4 Tums immediately afterwards.  Not only that, I wake UP with indigestion after not having eaten in HOURS!  Yay for that!  I can't sit up straight, and I have really good posture, so slouching hurts my back.  But sitting straight up involves putting pressure on my ribs, which I guess squishes Maya, and in turn she pushes back, HARD, on my pelvic bones.  This goes hand-and-hand with my sleepless nights.  The posture and issues with laying flat on my back are creating a real war zone on my side of the bed at night.  I toss and turn, and turn and toss, and pray that I will pass out from sheer exhaustion and then be able to get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep before I am awoken by the fact that my bladder is exploding.  So, honestly, is this sounding fun to you?


Maya Riley, know that your mommy loves you so much, but that you better be an amazing baby like Dylan was and sleep through the nights right away, like he did.  You owe me.

[haha just kidding of course... or am i?? haha]

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

231 Days [33 Weeks]

My Zen Garden on my desk.. it keeps me grounded and level minded in stressful situations.  I just take the pebbles and the shells out and smooth down the sand. Its so relaxing.

33 Weeks

Being 33 weeks is kind of freaking me out.  Either way time is flying by, but Dylan came in only 3 more weeks, and even if she stayed in my belly until her due date, thats only 7 more weeks too!  I feel like we are running out of time to get everything perfect, and the weeks just keep passing by faster and faster.  Who knew it would go so fast?  Well I guess I did, but I just didn't anticipate this fast.  Every time I look at the calender, another Friday has come and gone, another weekend is in the past.  Man oh man.

  Tonight we head to my folks home in Tampa to stay the night, we are going to be getting up bright and early and packing ourselves in to the RV for our week long camping adventure.  Please, prayers would be lovely, as I am praying we don't see baby Maya in a Cracker Barrel bathroom!  [haha]  I am kind of kidding, kind of.  Illinois is going through a ridiculous heat wave, as in, 100*+ on most days.  GEEZE!  I think its hot here in Florida and our high today is only 91*, I will pass out in 105* heat.  Momma is gonna need lots of ice water!

I will be posting pictures and fun updates on my Facebook throughout the trip, and if I am able to find a few free minutes I may even try to blog a bit!

Either way, it will be an exciting trip, we are going for the Schumacher's Family Reunion! Holy moly, we have a lot of Schumacher's in our family too!  I can't wait!  I am prepared to get my belly rub on!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

229 Days [32 Weeks 5 Days]

Na Zdrowie!

What a wonderful way to start our Sunday, Pineapple smoothies made by Dylan the chef!
He is such a big boy, he loves making smoothies, its something he can do and it makes him so proud and happy.  I love to see him so excited.

Today Babci, Nana and Papa will be coming over for dinner like every Sunday evening.  Rafal is at work now at the auction house, so at least it is a simple day, well in comparison to the normal moving day.

Only two more days until we leave on vacation and I am so excited!  Rafal, Dylan and I are in desperate need of a vacation!  So we are very looking forward to relaxing in each others company and just "being" with each other.

Dylan is watching Tangled right now, only it's in Polish!  I love watching the children's movies in Polish, its so neat!  I love that he loves it too.

Tomorrow I will start packing our bags for our trip.  Can't wait to get to Illinois and see my sister and her boys as well as the WHOLE Schumacher family!