Hospital Bag!
[that's right, its about that time... although I have had my hospital bag packed for a few weeks now, I thought I would perfect it today and let you all know what this pro is taking with her!]
First comes first, things for MOMMY:
- Small containers of Shampoo and Conditioner (Hotel left overs work just fine!)
- Dry Shampoo (this is a must, especially if you are going to be taking pictures!)
[I personally recommend - Got2B Fat-Tastic Fresh and Full Dry Shampoo $6 Walmart]
- Chap Stick (all the heavy breathing will chap your lips like you wouldn't believe!)
- Tall, comfy socks! (I am taking two pairs of cute and comfy knee highs)
- Disposable hospital gown (if you choose to get one!)
- Granny Panties (yes, I said it, take a few pair of your "that time of the month" panties)
- A soft OLD towel or two (the hospital towels are not exactly lovely when drying off after your first post-baby shower)
- Your Pillow!!
- Make-Up Bag (I just take essentials, mascara, eyebrow color, lip gloss and a little eye liner)
- PADS (the hospital will give you adult sized diapers which are great for while you are laying in the hospital bed, but as soon as you stand up, not so great. Get the fat ones, the cheaper the fatter usually. These are not to "look" attractive, these are to keep you from looking like your dying!)
- Wipes (non-scented, big wet cloths to help you clean yourself up down there)
- Clothing for leaving the hospital AND your first normal nights sleep at the hospital (Take some big baggy comfy pants OR a nightgown to sleep in... and something flowy for the ride home. I am taking some of Rafal's old PJ pants, and one of his big tshirts as well as three mini-dresses. In case one is more comfy than the other.)
- Phone Charger (duh)
- Entertainment (magazines, IPod, IPad)
- 2 changes of clothes (something in case his "scrubs" during labor get messy, so another comfy outfit, and something he can wear going to get you your first MEAL after baby is born)
- Tylenol/Advil (he will get a headache, be prepared, some nurses won't give them anything!)
- A pillow AND blanket (he will need sleep and their stuff isn't very comfy!)
- Phone Charger
- Camera / Camcorder AND chargers / batteries
- A cooler with daddy beverages (ie. sweet tea and red bull ; he will want to leave your side to go get a vending machine snack, and you may not want him to leave, better safe than sorry)
- Snacks!! (nothing too yummy since you won't be able to eat until after baby is born, but some granola bars or something to keep him content)
[Dylan will only be at the hospital while I am pushing so that he can come in the room for her first few minutes too, its a special time that we want to share with him]
- Crayons / Coloring Books
- IPad / IPod / Electronic Entertainment / DVD Player
- Juice Boxes
- Snacks
- Big Brother Books :)
[Now, know that most of the babies things WILL be provided for him/her IF you do not get to the store in time to get some of the following things, but since I have been there done that, I would just rather use my things from the get go!]
- Newborn Diapers (Bring a small pack of 20-25)
- Un-scented wipes
- Hats!!! (they will give him/her a hat, but its so much mroe fun and cute to have your own!)
- Socks AND mittens (or just lots of socks that she/he can wear as mittens)
- Easy Clothes (not a ton of buttons, just a simple slip on cute outfit)
- Going Home Outfit (this one can be whatever you want, lots and lots of pictures will be taken in this outfit!)
- Baby Blanket
- Baby Lotion
- Baby hairbrush! (you never know, she/he COULD have a full head of hair!)
Extra things you may want to bring with you:
- Cord Blood Bank Info
- Placenta Packaging (if you plan on saving it)
- Music / Candles (for helping to relax the mood during contractions)
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