Friday, January 17, 2014

It has been 840 days since I decided to change MY life!


I don't really believe that it's been 840 days... not only that, but that means its been 122 days since I last blogged on here.  In 840 days a ton of things have happened including a few New Years resolutions that have come and gone... HA.  Right now I am on a "fast" with the new church I am attending.  Its amazing actually.  I noticed tonight, during a cheat meal, because I'm sickly ill, that I actually don't enjoy the 'junk' food anymore.  The Pepsi tasted funny, as did the white bread that I ate with my shrimp bisque.. which was heavenly.  

In other news.

Mommy is sick.

Dylan is huge, going to be six in a few short weeks, and loves going to school... well most of the time!

Maya is almost 17 months, and runs everywhere, climbs on everything, and still likes to put random items in her mouth, which is not so very fun for mommy and daddy.

Daddy & I are good, we are very blessed and are thankful each morning for another day in the life, whether we act like it or not, this really is the perfect life.

We are living the dream.

[I really promise to write more, especially while I am fasting from my daily FB use as well!]