Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 59

I can't believe it has been 11 days since I last found the time to write, and technically, I don't have time to write right now even, but I want to remember yesterday forever... So I am going to blog about it!

In fact, lets just start at Thanksgiving, because that too was a wonderful day.  It was filled with lots and lots of good friends and tons of delicious food!  We slept in that day and started with a cute little Dylan waking us up asking us what today was. We then went on to explain how today was Thanksgiving!  I had been teaching him all about it since Halloween and now the day of eating with friends and family and giving thanks was finally here.  We started the morning with coffee and Christmas music, followed by lots and lots of dancing!  Showers were taken and clothes were put on and it was time to fix the salad and head to Veronica & Darryl's wonderful home.  On the way to their home I had Rafal stop at the store so that I could get her a bouquet of rose's to thank her for her lovely hospitality, and to my surprise she absolutely loved them!  If I knew that by spending a few extra dollars a week I could make someone as happy as I felt she had become, well, I would buy everyone flowers all of the time!  Her smile was priceless, I am so blessed shes my fairy best friend!  The whole day was filled with wonderful people and even more smiling faces.

 Above is a lovely family picture, oh and Dylan!  He is part of their family by default, you want Sara and Rafal? Well that comes with a little side of Dylan.. [hehe] From left to right up there is Caleb, Maria, Darryl, Dylan, Veronica, and Jacob.  Veronica's two boys are growing up so fast, they have only been apart of our lives since about Spring 2010, and even since then they have grown up!

 Dylan found a bunch or oranges in the ground under the orange tree in their front yard, and he was loving it!  They were balls to play with from God, not the store.  The men folk kept throwing them across the street, see the dumpster in the background?  Rafal only made one, but tried at least 20 times! [haha]

Darryl and his bunny fingers!  He is so silly!  These are my best friends, seriously.  I love Rafal, Darryl and Veronica so much for being such a happy part of my life, I can't imagine where I would be today, had I never met them.

So we spent most of the day at Veronica's beautiful home, which she had festively decorated to fit the Thanksgiving theme!  She had made beautiful creations from dollar tree finds, she is amazing!  There was so much food, and we all ate until we were stuffed.  Rafal, Dylan and I ran home to meet up with Dylan's Nana and Papa for about an hour.  They brought by the cookie ingredients, for the cookies I am making for my little brother Hank in the Navy <3  Dylan wanted to watch some footage from Christmas 2010, so we put that on while the Grandparents were here and that was lovely!  After Nana & Papa headed on their way we went back to Veronica's for dessert! Let's just say.. was delicious!

Yesterday, Friday, started with Rafal working, we were all so bummed that he had to be at work on the Friday after Thanksgiving.  Dylan and I didn't get much sleep the night before, so we slept in until about 11am.  Within minutes of waking up I got a message from Rafal saying he had 3 short bookshelves and did I want them or not.  Do I want them?? Of course I want them!!  So, I looked around the room, wondering where I could fit them and I realized something... I could make a built in behind our sofa along our red wall.  I prayed they would fit there and messaged Rafal back saying to bring them.  Then, I got to work on moving my computer desk and all my school stuff to my bedroom, to make room for the Christmas tree we get every year on Black Friday.

[Last year, we won't go in to too much detail, but let's just say... Rafal and I were having an "off" month, and weren't exactly getting along, so buying the tree last year didnt happen exactly as planned LOL]

So I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more.  Then "beep", my computer buzzed and I knew Rafal had sent me another message.  He said "I got you a table, but no chairs, its in crummy shape, but its a table!" and I knew instantly it was my dream table.  Boy, was I ever right!!  I dreamed of this table for months, just kept on visualizing, and here it is!  It is a fabulous drop-sides pedestal table!  The pedestal is a worn out white and the top is a beautiful honey wood!  It is more than I could've wished for!  When he got home I couldn't stop smiling!  I have a dining table!!! Not to mention, God listened to my prayers and those short book shelves?  Well they fit perfectly behind the couch along that wall, almost as though they were meant for that spot all along!  Our home is becoming so beautiful!  We are thrilled at the idea of eventually buying a home and moving all of this into it!  How fabulous that will be!


After Rafal got home, we decided to go get a Christmas tree!! So Dylan and I got dressed and we headed on our way.  But, we got side tracked at the most amazing thrift store we've ever been too.  Because on Black Friday, everything in their whole store was half off!  We got some amazing finds!!  Spent $38 and made out like bandits!  I even sucked it up and looked for bigger jean sizes... I don't feel like I look like I wear a size 9??? I am still so thin in the waste, but my thighs and butt just keep growing!  I blame Rafal on a weekly basis, he likes big booty women and before him, I never had a booty, its like how I manifest a table, he manifests a booty on his woman! Grr!  [haha]  Once we left the thrift store we were back on the road for  a  tree.  We stopped at a random tree tent and were blown away by the expensive prices! $72 for a 6" Douglas Fir?? Ok, thats great it was cut down yesterday, but $72, really?  No way!  We always get our trees for about $25 at Lowes!  So, off we went in search of our tree, next we stopped at Home Depot and found our lovely lovely tree.  She cost us $33, which was more than Rafal wanted to spend, but isn't she lovely?

This is my men cutting off the wrapping on the tree after they got it standing up perfectly straight, and yes that's Charlie Brown on the TV!!

Now that it is lit they started adding the ornaments, one at a time... which was funny.  Dylan had the whole bottom row decorated 4 ornaments deep!  We had to rearrange a little!

We really have to get a fancy tree skirt now, she's naked and you can see all her.. insides! [haha]  Dylan did such a great job putting on the ornaments.

What a wonderful moment for any mommy... watching her two favorite people in the whole world decorate her most favorite Christmas tree in the whole world.  As they decorated I cooked dinner and smiled the whole time.

And here she is, Christmas Tree 2011, isn't she lovely??  The most beautiful tree I have ever seen, seriously.  It is perfectly tall for our space and perfectly wide enough to fit in the small corner.  It is just magical.

After the tree was up and Dylan had a bath and went to bed, Rafal & I started baking cookies.  Last night was by far the most romantic and silly night I have ever had with Rafal.  I love him so much!  With our Justin Beiber Holiday Pandora station on in the background we got to mixing and pouring and and and... making a mess!  We slow danced and snuggled in our PJs in the kitchen while the first batch was in the oven.  My cheeks were hurting I was smiling so big.  We just held each other and kissed, and it was a perfect evening.  After about an hour of baking we put everything away, and I am finishing up the cookies this morning.  After baking we watched a lovely movie in bed and snuggled before finally falling asleep at about 2am.

Yesterday couldn't have been a more perfect day.  I think that every day should be just as lovely.  Kissing in parking lots is romantic, but kissing barefoot in your own kitchen with Christmas music playing and the smell of cookies filling the air is priceless.  I am so blessed.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 48

Last night a few things hit me like a ton of bricks, one being...

My soul needs ME to take care of my vessel, my body, THIS body.. the better I can learn to keep this machine running, the more years I will have on this planet Earth, and the more opportunities I will have to better the population.  That being said, people need to eat to survive, and that is what I am going to do.  SO many people these days eat, just to.. well, eat.  I am very guilty of this.  Body, I swear to start taking better care of you and make some drastic changes so that you can stay healthy for me!

Every sickness is caused from dis-ease in the body, and we all do it to ourselves.

I have to help teach Dylan NOW how to take care of himself, I need to start teaching him now about caring for your body the best we can.

I wish I could control my ego already too, but I know my ego is very controlling and large and that one may take a little more time.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 44

I am unsure as to what is better than waking up with your three year old snuggled into your chest, smiling at you as you open your eyes... Its a cold windy day out today and as I sit here doing homework I am enjoying the next best things in my day, a bowl of fruit and cream oatmeal and a hot cup of black coffee.  Today is going to be an amazing day.  I am sure you think "OK, but she says that every day!" and you are right, every day is an amazing day, but each and every day is a little bit better than the day before.  It's another blessing and gift from our God.  An amazing gift at that, could you imagine not waking up to this beautiful day?  Instead waking up elsewhere, in a country not as free as ours, or where women can't have a mind of their own.  Every day is a blessing.  Even when little things are going wrong, I wish everyone could now how good we all have it.  Even the homeless in our country have it good.  There aren't too many other countries with homeless shelters that feed and house you.  As well as pan handling, you make quite a bit of spending cash on the sides of these busy roads.

The moral of my blog today is, please be thankful for everything you have.  Even if your power got shut off, or your in the process of getting evicted.  You live in America (well hopefully you do if you are reading this) and that alone is a blessing to be thankful for.

Amen, Universe. ;)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Just a little something I found today...

"To think. Two people are born. Born on different days, in different years, in different towns. Born to different parents, different families. Two separate personalities. Two separate experiences. She dreamed of him her whole life. He dreamed of her. A faceless ideal, to an age old desire. Is it fate to believe, when their lives collide? Like two atoms who have spent year after year circling the atmosphere, searching for their complete likeness. Is it fate to believe that these two strangers happen to be at the exact same place, at the exact same time? Or, is it merely, pure coincidence; the right place, at the right time, with the right chemistry? Destiny or not, these two people met. Their two hearts and their two souls spontaneously collided, completely unaware that their dreams just caught up to them. And somewhere along their separate journeys, these two people became exactly who they needed to be for that one moment in time. That one moment that fated the rest of their lives, to become one heart and one soul. It's an interesting thing. To think."

I couldn't have written any thing more perfect for Rafal & I.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 41

Well today I feel so much better! I bet its partly because I got a surprise visit from my Fairy Best Friend last night!! I was so excited to see her, and it was pretty awesome that Rafal ran around cleaning the house before they came over too! :)  Now my house isn't so cluttered and I feel much better, almost like I can breath :)

Veronica let me wear a ton of her crystals while she was here last night, they made me feel so clean and energized, and then Darryl did some energy work on me, it felt like it lasted about 10minutes and it changed me! I felt my head rocking back and forth on its own a few times.  I just chanted "I am open to receive" over and over again throughout the whole session.  So, wish me luck!

Its 9am, and dishes are already done and I am about to start my Insanity Day 16.  Its been exactly one week since I had to take my break, and now I am SO ready to start back up again!

Bring it on!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 40

Hectic lately? Oh yes.

I am in a funk today, and I just don't want to do anything... I think there's a lot of negative energy attacking me or something?  This is SO not like me.  I want to go lay in bed and not even read a fun book, I just want to lay there.  I feel so bad for Dylan today, because, well, I suck. [haha] I don't want to do my school work, I don't want to workout, I don't want to even blog... BUT I felt that I had to do something productive, so here I am, explaining to all of you how bummed out I am today.

Maybe I should fill you in on the last 6 days??

Lots of little frustrations in our household, not with each other, just about monies, which I hear is super common these days.  I read in a book the other day the number one cause of divorce these days is the economical worries.  Well that is NOT going to happen to us.  I read through a few Dave Ramsey books over the weekend, and Rafal and I came up with a simple and hopefully very effective plan.  I think I need to go get a job, like the midnight shift at McDonalds or something, so that I can be helping to save.  Maybe 3 nights a week?  I don't think that would be so consuming?  I could be very wrong though, considering I am still a full time mom from like 7am-9pm.  Then I would go to a job from 11pm-5am?  Hmph.  Maybe that is an awful idea, but hey, I am glad I wrote it out so that I could think about it better.

My body feels so, blah today... *sigh*

Usually I am Miss Motivator, but not feeling it right now.. Some one share some motivation with me?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 34

What a GORGEOUS Florida day we are having.. These are the kinds of days worth living in Florida for!  It is 72 Degrees without a cloud in the sky and a nice warm breeze.  Windows and doors are wide open today.  I am still sickly but I am not going to let this cold get me down.

Yesterday was my "off" day with Insanity.  Today is Day 15, which means two things:
  1. I am a QUARTER of the way there!!!
  2. Fit Test #2!!
So I will get to see not only that I AM improving BUT exactly HOW MUCH I am improving! I can already tell it is quite a difference, not only in my overall physical well being but even mentally, I am much more confident and I can feel that as I walk around places, I don't worry about what I look like anymore.  It is almost like I know I am doing the work I need to to be healthy so I must already BE healthy!  I am healthy, although I do want to get this Shakeology stuff every one keeps talking about.  It has over 70 ingredients and is said to be the most important meal in your day!  I would love to get it, but it isn't cheap.  I know and understand that it replaces a meal a day for 30days so $100 shouldn't seem so steep, but when you use food stamps for a lot of your groceries, $100 is difficult to just come up with.  Now, if they had a pay as you go program where they just send a week at a time like Jenny Craig [haha] ok ok ok I am just kidding about that last part, but I guess in retrospect it would be nice, right?   Do you take Food Stamps??

In other news, school is.... school.  I am not going to let it get to me, but I am letting it get to me.  I don't want to stress about it, that will only cause MORE stress.  SO I will just tackle it head on... and BAM conquer yet again.  I can do this.

I am smart.
I can do this.

YES I CAN!  :)