Friday, August 31, 2012

291 Days - Just another Friday -

I think NOT.

Today is my second Friday being a full-time mom to two wonderful babies!

As I type this, [one-handed I might add] I am breast feeding my beautiful daughter, whom I absolutely adore.  She is already my pride and joy.  Dylan knows he is numero uno in the family tree but he also knows they will forever be equals in our hearts.  I can't believe how true that statement is.  I never thought I would love anyone as much as I love Dylan, and here she is, the one who came along and proved me wrong! God is magnificent in all his creations, He truly is.

Life has been trying, to say the least.  I don't want to say life with a newborn is hard, because that's not the case.  Challenging is a much better word to describe life these days.  And who would Sara be without her challenges, I love a challenge, so bring it on!

Well, wait.... can I get a few hours a day of a break in there some where?



I got this.

So I am planning on at least one blog a week, because I want to share my favorite moments of the week.  This will be Week 2, seeing as Maya is now 10 days old.

Mommy's Favorite Moments: Week 2

Daddy & his Princess Maya fell asleep snuggling, notice, she is holding his finger.

Dylan's First Day of School

Sunday, August 26, 2012

286 Days [Perfection]

Perfection: [noun]  The condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.

My life is pure perfection.

God has blessed us with the most incredible gift any one could ever hope or wish for.  A beautifully healthy baby girl.

Maya Riley Szmyglewska was born on August 21st, 2012 at 11:07pm.

She was 6lbs 11oz and 18.25".

She is more amazing than any of us could have imagined.  She is perfect in every way.  Her brother is completely in love with her, as are we, her parents.  Not a single thing could make this better.

Life is so good today.

Monday, August 20, 2012

280 Days [40 Weeks]

Here I sit, in the hospital bed, being induced, for the second time in my life.

This is how Dylan was brought in to our world as well.

I can't believe 9 months has come and gone so fast, and now it is almost Maya's birthday!

Daddy enjoying the DELICIOUS hospital food from the cafe downstairs!

This should be an interesting 24 hours....

Happy Birthday Maya!

Friday, August 17, 2012

::My Letter to Dylan::

My dearest Dylan Joseph Szmyglewski,

I need you to know how important you are to me.  Your arrival was such a surprise to your father and I, but it helped us to realize how amazing God truly is in our lives.  We were on a difficult path when God gave us you, and we are so thankful that you picked us to be your parents.  Dylan, for the past 53 months of my life I have done nothing but enjoy every moment in watching you grow.  You are such an amazing young boy.  You have taught me so many valuable lessons, for instance, not every stranger you meet is truly a stranger.  Your outgoing personality has lit up so many lives in your short four and a half years it amazes me.  You are so friendly, even to people I don't think deserve it.  But Dylan, that is what makes you a better person than me.  You are so young and so pure, you don't judge a single soul on this planet of ours.  Even though some days you make your daddy and I crazy with all of your energy, we wouldn't want life any other way.  You are my pride and joy.  My first true love.  One of my best friends.  There were times when it was just you and I, on our own journey.  You could make me smile when nothing else could.  Finding humor with a child is one of the best feelings on Earth.  You gave me more than I can ever explain to you, you will see, one day, when you have children of your own.  Soon we will be officially welcoming a new member to our family, your baby sister, Maya Riley.  Not only is this a big change for mommy and daddy, this is also a big responsibility for you my sweet boy.  Now you will forever be known as a big brother.  Not just any big brother either, you will be Maya's big brother.  Her teacher, her best friend, her first love, her favorite chew toy, her ride to school, and her bodyguard.  I know all of this may sound silly to you, but it is very true.  Little sister's love their big brother's unconditionally, they look up to them and expect certain things from them.  They want their big brother's to teach them everything.  I am so proud to say that your daddy and I feel we have done an amazing job with raising a perfect candidate for a big brother.  You are so loving, compassionate, kind, gentle, funny, sweet, caring and at the same time you are one of the toughest little boy's I have ever met.  You rarely cry, in fact, you hardly ever cry from a "boo-boo".  You are sensitive and get upset over other things, like a bad dream, or when you are punished for bad behavior.  You are so tender and giving, you are going to make the best big brother ever.  I hope that you know that even as time goes on, you will always be my first true love.  That even when daddy and mommy are cuddling with Maya you are always aloud to cuddle with us too.  Know that no matter how old you get, you will always be my Dyl-Pickle and I will always be available to you for anything you need.  You are about to embark on a once in a life time journey, involving your new little sister.  God will be right by your side too, when you have a question and need an answer.  Don't ever wonder if you can come to mommy and daddy for anything at any time, we love you so much Dylan, and you will forever be the glue that held this crazy family together.  Now, let us begin this next phase in our lives.  I love you so much, so so so much.

With love, hugs and infinite kisses. Your Mommy <3

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

274 Days [39 Weeks 1 Day]

Maya Riley Szmyglewska

There she is, in all her glory.
In just a few more days, she will be out in the open air, breathing on her own.  Relying on her father and I to take care of her every need.  She will be so helpless and yet so happy and perfect.  We can't wait to snuggle her in our arms.

How Far Along:
  39 Weeks
Total Weight Gain:
  23 pounds :)
Maternity Clothes:
None! This pregnancy I made sure to keep it fun and NOT frumpy :)
Stretch Marks:
Supposedly I have ONE on the under side of my belly that Rafal pointed out last night, but I said that if I can't see it, it doesn't count [hehe]
Well, I am sleeping better than I had been.  Not as much heart burn as I was having for awhile there.  Still fairly tired throughout most of my day though.
Best Moment This Week:
Getting to watch my sister's and brother's face as they felt Maya move in my belly :)
Miss Anything?
Being able to really tie my own shoes, this is getting ridiculous.
All the time, I really don't remember Dylan moving this much!
Food Cravings:
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick:
Not a single thing I can think of!
GIRL!!! Baby Maya Riley <3
Labor Signs:
Where do I begin? Been having daily contractions since about 37 Weeks.  About two an hour.  Although they don't seem to be doing any thing exciting where my cervix is concerned.  I am still not dilated at all.  I am however, 50% effaced and lost my mucous plug yesterday afternoon.
I actually have had quite a bit of energy as of lately, which is great!
Belly Button In or Out:
Totally an OUTTIE!
Happy or Moody Lately:
Clingy and Whimpering [lol] I just want to snuggle and lay around.  I want to clean, but not alone... That's it, I just don't want to be alone.  I am VERY happy, not sad or moody, just clingy.
Looking Forward To:
Finally getting to see what our beautiful baby girl looks like :) and WHO she looks like!  I bet she looks like her daddy <3  I can't wait to see her!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

271 Days [38 Weeks 5 Days]

Today's blog should be about playing catch up, considering SO much has happened since my last post.  Including, but not limited to, a few hospital visits, a few doctors appointments, an exciting family vacation, and some fun little Maya nursery changes.


Those, in fact, are not what we will be discussing tonight.

Tonight we will be talking about something else, something that has been on my mind lately, and something that was brought to my attention today.

My son, is growing up.  He is no longer a toddler, he is actually now considered a child.  In exactly one week he begin big-boy school, something I have mentally and physically been dreading for the past four years.  VPK.  I know it is something that he will love, something that he will truly benefit from, but at the same time...

...Up until this point, I have taught him every thing he knows.  His father and I, as well as a few close relatives, are the only one's that have been filling his brain with the knowledge he has.  The thought that some one else, other than US, will be relaying information in to my son's brain has me terrified.  Maybe this sounds silly to some, or even most of you, but I had honestly thought about home schooling for the first 3 years of his life.  Until I saw him interacting last summer with some friends of his and saw how much he truly enjoys [just like his father and I do] the act of communicating with others.  He is such a gifted little boy, and has so much to say and so much on his mind, I know that he will greatly benefit from being around others his age.

With all of this being said.


He was playing with the neighbor girls, one is 6 and the other is 8.

Rafal saw them, the girls, throw one of Dylan's favorite toys in the pond in our backyard.  Immediately afterwards Dylan had tears in his eyes as he approached daddy to tell him what happened, and the girls fled to their homes.  As Rafal and Dylan came in to tell me what happened, just seeing my little man with a red face because he was upset was enough to upset me.

He told me: "my friends said my toy was haunted and they had to kill it"

Not only did this upset me because of their 'choice' words, seeing as I don't believe in such silliness, but to think he still considered them friends, even after what they did.  I them explained to him as calmly as a mother bear is capable of, that people who mistreat you or your property are NOT friends, and are in fact far from it.  I told him that I wanted to talk to the girls and that we needed to go over there and ask them what happened.

So we did.

They apologized.

Rafal retrieved the toy.

Cheeks were dried.

All was fine again in the Szmyglewski home.


I had filled up Dylan's bath tub and went out back to tell him it was time for his friends to go home, and for him to come in and get ready for bed.  As I walked out through the sun-room, I noticed he had tears on his face and these girls were chasing him around with some paper and making "spooky" sounds.  He was holding himself like he had to pee and I said "Girls, you need to go home"  I may have sounded like a B!TCH when I said it, and yes, I meant to.  Dylan got upset and said I don't want my friends to leave, and I said "Come on girls, you can leave through the front door."  They followed me to the door and they said their good-byes and I immediately grabbed Dylan and gave him a hug and asked what had happened in the back yard and why he hadn't come to get me.  He said they were scaring him and chasing him and telling him the ghosts were after him.  I tried my best to explain and tell him that he doesn't have to believe, let alone listen to any thing any of those girls have to say.  They are silly girls and just having silly fun.  They don't understand that it could be upsetting you.  I told him not to listen to the stuff they say, and if he does and he has questions, he should come to mommy or daddy right away and we can better inform him about what ever it might be.

I calmed him down as best as mommy can and had him get in the bath tub and we dropped the conversation.  After about an hour or so he started telling me other things that happened while they were playing.

For instance:

"When I told them I had to go home fast to go to the bathroom, they told me to pee in the bushes, and when I said I had to poop they said you can poop in the bushes too.  But I didn't listen and I came home."

"My friends told me to stick my whole hand in the big bucket of dirty oil in the backyard, and when I said no they got mad, so I stuck my foot in it instead."

I was getting FURIOUS listening to these stories.  I told Dylan that I don't want him playing with them anymore and that anyone is instructs you to do something unhealthy is FAR from a friend.  I explained that when he starts school he is going to be faced with many challenges, including taking orders from people other than mommy and daddy and he is going to have to be a big boy a decide on his own the right thing to do.  I told him that from now on when someone asks him to do ANY thing that mommy or daddy wouldn't ask him to do that he needs to say NO right away and then walk in the other direction.  No matter what.  I said that mommy and daddy love you so much, and only want the best for you.  I told him that some people are going to be mean to him, and some people are going to tell him lies and make up bad stories, but that he has to try his hardest not to listen or believe what they say.

Now that he is asleep and I am replaying all of tonight's situations in my head I am saddened.  I don't want our son to grow up scared of other people, but at the same time I want him to grow up cautious of the dangers that can lurk right around the corner.

So my fellow friends, please give me some insight.  I am even more terrified about him starting school now than I was last week.  The only thing that keeps me calm is knowing that he is smart enough to tell me what happened, rather than be afraid of being punished or being ashamed.  I am so proud of him for coming to me to tell me what happened.  That shows me just how mature and grown up he already is.  My little baby is growing up.