Friday, July 20, 2012

248 Days [35 Weeks 3 Days]

Nine Months has really come already?!

I can't believe our beautiful

Maya Riley

will be here in just days.

Nesting has kicked in full swing, the nursery is almost completed, as in totally finished!  Only things left I want in there before she arrives is to put up the chair rail around the room, and hang up some dark chocolate brown curtains over the windows to block out the sun as well as get a deep purple area rug.  That is all though and Maya's gorgeous nursery will be finished!!

Dylan's room looks spectacular too!  I am very proud of my work.  Dylan needs some curtains too, that will fit his camping theme, but as of right now, his bamboo shades look and work just fine so those curtains aren't being rushed as much as Maya's.

The house is spotless, laundry is done, now I need to take out the trash....

Maya is roughly 5.5 pounds now and almost 19" long!  She is one big baby!  Considering she was just an egg and a sperm not that many months ago, this whole process is mind boggling even for someone who took so many medical courses.

I am extremely uncomfortable, I can't sit up, I can't lay down, I can't recline or lean or do anything to help with my comfort level at all at this point.  I am just destined to be miserable until she makes her debut!  I keep reading about my pregnancy on different websites and it explains how "being nervous" is completely normal.  BUT...

the thing is....

I am not nervous, not one bit.  I don't know if it is because I have been there done that
or just because I am giving it to God to handle.  I know that my Lord wouldn't give me pain
that I couldn't handle, I mean it's called labor for a reason right?  It isn't going to be easy, but
its a natural pain, one that won't kill you, but truly make you stronger.

Don't get me wrong, I fully intend to take advantages of medical science and the drugs they can offer to alleviate the pain caused during the intense contractions.  But, still, no nerves are being stressed at this point.  Which I honestly think is best for mommy and baby.

So many women stress, and over plan for the day that when the day comes and they realize how truly out of their control it all is, they panic, and that only causes problems.  I had the best, easiest labor ever with Dylan.  My sister can tell you the horror story of how my ONLY complaint throughout the labor was that the blood pressure cuff was too tight.  That is not a joke.

I pushed for what, 10 minutes?  If that....

They said let's do some practice pushes before the doctor gets here, and within two pushes they started yelling at me to STOP the practice pushes and wait until the doctor came because Dylan was already crowning!  He wanted to be out, and mommy was on a mission to not have a cone-head baby and I wanted him out fast too!

I remember being so nervous about the infamous "pooping on the table" thing every woman dreads.  I mean, I don't fart or poop or talk about those two things in front of Rafal.  It is gross and not lady like at all.  So it is very common for women to dread this possible side effect of labor.  BUT truth be told, when you start pushing your beautiful wonder of God out, the last thing on your mind is...

"please don't let me push a little too hard and poop a little!"

In fact, all you are thinking about is:


And then, there he was.  I may have pooped?  Who knows!  What I do know, is that it didn't matter.  When they put him on my chest, and I looked at him and then up at Rafal and saw the tears welling up in his eyes, nothing else on Earth mattered anymore.  I was so in love.  With Dylan, with Rafal, with life.

And to think, God has blessed us with yet another amazing miracle...

Thank you God for finding us fit parents to give us two of your most amazing angels to watch over and care for her on Earth <3

We will not disappoint you!

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