Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 40

Hectic lately? Oh yes.

I am in a funk today, and I just don't want to do anything... I think there's a lot of negative energy attacking me or something?  This is SO not like me.  I want to go lay in bed and not even read a fun book, I just want to lay there.  I feel so bad for Dylan today, because, well, I suck. [haha] I don't want to do my school work, I don't want to workout, I don't want to even blog... BUT I felt that I had to do something productive, so here I am, explaining to all of you how bummed out I am today.

Maybe I should fill you in on the last 6 days??

Lots of little frustrations in our household, not with each other, just about monies, which I hear is super common these days.  I read in a book the other day the number one cause of divorce these days is the economical worries.  Well that is NOT going to happen to us.  I read through a few Dave Ramsey books over the weekend, and Rafal and I came up with a simple and hopefully very effective plan.  I think I need to go get a job, like the midnight shift at McDonalds or something, so that I can be helping to save.  Maybe 3 nights a week?  I don't think that would be so consuming?  I could be very wrong though, considering I am still a full time mom from like 7am-9pm.  Then I would go to a job from 11pm-5am?  Hmph.  Maybe that is an awful idea, but hey, I am glad I wrote it out so that I could think about it better.

My body feels so, blah today... *sigh*

Usually I am Miss Motivator, but not feeling it right now.. Some one share some motivation with me?

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