Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 83 [Week 6 Day 3]

Can't believe Christmas is only a few more days away... It got here so fast this year.  I am still in denial!

Here I am, well underway into my second month of pregnancy.  Cravings are at an all time HIGH but appetite is an all time low.  When I do eat, I maybe ingest 7 bites before I feel entirely too full to even think of consuming another.  In fact, I have lost a pound since my Friday doctors visit in week 5.  Which isn't uncommon, I remember I lost almost 10 pounds in my first 5 months with Dylan.  Although a plus side is my stomach isn't as upset as it was through Dylan's pregnancy.  I get dizzy, and light headed a lot.  I also am achey, I told Rafal last night they feel like 14 year old growing pains, I am just achey all over.  Even my fingers!!  I pee every 15 minutes which was fun on our 12 hour long road trip last weekend!! haha  NOT!

I am going to be painting my chalk board today and I couldn't be more excited to finally be getting it done.  I am going to splurge and get the chalk markers at Micheal's and not let Dylan use them, they are for me only!!

I wanted to sit down and blog about how we told my parents last weekend, but I am not feeling so up to par right now, I want to go lay down... So maybe next time.  Let's just say, it went wonderfully!  Everyone is very excited for our little girl to come in to this big world!

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